School Services
EAP Consultants are available to provide ongoing consultations and behaviour analytic services to schools.
Services may include:
Functional behaviour assessment
Practical functional assessment​
Skill-based treatment
Positive behaviour support plans
ABA programming
Peer Mediated Interventions
School-wide systems (e.g., within a PBS framework)
Check-in, Check-out
Transition Checklists
Classroom supports/systems
Group reward systems​
Behaviour skills training
Please contact us for more information.
Professional Development/Training
EAP Consultants are available to provide small or large group trainings and presentations.
Recent topics have included:
Neurodiversity-Affirming Care
Neurodiversity and Social Connections at School
An Intervention to Teach Beginner Coding and Robotics to Students with ASD
Peer-Mediated Interventions
Mindfulness (Self-Regulation) for Students with ASD
Data Collection in Classrooms
Behavioural Skills Training
Functional Behaviour Assessment and Positive Behaviour Support in a School Setting
Functional Communication Training
Individualized trainings and topics may be available upon request.
Please contact us for more information.